Planning to come to Ghana? Looking for inexpensive, clean, cultural and stimulating surroundings? Look no further. It’s paradise! It’s simple! It’s the One Africa Health Resort and Wellness Center (Guest House) located in Iture – Elmina, the Central Region of Ghana.
Upon entering you become part of the quaint village setting and tranquil beauty of One Africa; coming face to face with unique, traditional, African style, Guest Houses with thatch roofs, within a private walled compound lush with Coconut and Almond trees, on the Gulf of Guinea.
In honor of our ancestors, rooms have been named after great African heroes/sheroes; i.e., Malik El Shabazz Malcolm X (USA), Nana Yaa Asantewaa (Ghana), Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey (Jamaica, West Indies), Prof. John Henrik Clarke (USA), and others.
Rooms are welcoming and beautifully decorated with bright tie dyed fabric, Afrikan artifacts and paintings; handcrafted furniture, twin beds, toilet and shower. There are no telephones or televisions in the rooms. But who needs it, as you experience the friendly, warm, and hospitable family atmosphere; and a restaurant that features local, international and vegetarian cuisine that will tickle your tummy.
Rise early mornings and stretch into gorgeous sunrises as you practice the art of Qigong, Yoga and other activities on a beautiful, private beach; enjoy salt water sand baths & meditation. By mid-afternoon, for your semi-sauna pleasure enjoy the natural, hot rock pools on the ocean front. We also offer Reflexology, Reiki, Massage, Red Clay Baths on the beach and more.
I will be visiting Ghana for the first time 8/10-8/19 and am interested in lodging options. Can you send more information regarding your offerings? I am from Chicago, IL
Hi Susan,
Thank you for visiting. You can take a look at our resort site located here:
The reservation system is still under construction, but you should receive an email from Sis. Imahkus shortly.
Hi, we’re a family group (7 adults) from the UK who will be visiting Ghana for the first time and we’d like to stay in or near Elmina for two nights (10 and 11 February). We’ll need three double rooms and one single room.
Do you have any rooms free, and if so, how can we book them?
Many thanks!
Hello Isaiah. I am visiting Ghana with Family. Do you have four double rooms Available for the nights of 10th and 11th February?
Ps. For some reason this message and my email address has used capitals. All the letters should be lower case for the email address.
My name is Kelly Saunders. I will be visiting several parts of Ghana in August. I would live to stay 1 night at your guest house. I sent a FB text today as well. My dates are 9/5/19-9/6/19. Thank you.
greetings my sistaah, I just wrote to you but having some difficulty it vanished lol , what is the best contact info to use beloved, Ptahnubia Byrd here, I believe I also sent you an email , much love to you
Hi Sister! I am wanting to be a guest the first week in March how much for 1 person a night and how much for 2 please ? 💜
planning to visit Ghana in the month of April. would like to obtain more info about lodging.
Hello One Africa… a small group of 8, many first-time travelers, will be traveling to the Elmina/cape Coast area in two weeks and would like to have lunch at your restaurant. Please Provide details on your menu selections, prices, hours for meal service, and if reservations are needed. Please send soon. Medaase
I am looking for lodging and would like to know the cost of 1 room with twin beds for 12/24/2019-12/31/2019 and can I reserve the room now and pay when I leave? Thank you!
Greetings, we will be visiting in November, I would like to know if you have available dates. please contact me via email as soon as you can.
Bless Up!
Hotep, I plan to arrive in Cape coast Jan. 24 thru 30. Would like to reserve a room at your resort. Would you please send me availability &rates for this period.
Hotep Sistah! I’m travelling Ghana January 12 thru February 1, 2020 & would like to stay at one Afrika for one week. Either January 19 – 26 or January 26- Feb 1. How do I make reservations & the cost for lodging?
Hello One Africa,
I am the chairman of a relief organization that is involved in building a school in Berasi near Elmina.
I know your house because I stayed at Mables Table next door for two weeks and visited her restaurant.
I am planning a group trip on the occasion of the school inauguration, in which we also want to involve our sponsors. We would like to travel in the period April / May about two weeks with about 10 people.
Relocation is not planned, we organize a program with our local partners.
I would like to know,
– which costs rooms or lodges (including continental breakfast),
– how are these equipped.
– Menu and opening hours of the restaurant
I thank you in advance for your efforts and look forward to your response.
Best Regards
Erich Horst
Greetings Queen Mother!! I will be in Ghana for the entire month of December. I don’t know if you remember me but I photographed you at plenty events in Atlanta. One with you and actor Isaiah Washington and with Habesha. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I will look at rates but if you have long term stay like a month at a time discounts please let me know. I look forward to seeing you soon.