Film Title: An African-American Quest for Authenticity
Genre: Documentary Length: 26:46 Film Company: Inspire Film Productions Written, Directed and Produced by: Cindy Ball
“An African-American Quest for Authenticity” is a documentary about 21 ‘repatriates’ who left America to return to the land of their ancestors and live an authentic and fulfilling life in Ghana, West Africa.
The African-American connection to the continent of Africa is undeniably spiritual, cultural and physical. The film, “An African-American Quest for Authenticity” is an insightful and engaging documentary of just 21 of the over 5,000 African-Americans who have repatriated to Ghana within the last 30+ years. Could this 21st Century migration be linked to their continuing quest to live a self-fulfilling, self-determining, and authentic life in Africa?
Listen as the young people, the older people, doctors, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs, social workers, and administrators express why they consider Africa ‘home’ and what attracted them to Ghana. Learn how they contrast living in Africa with living in America. Discover for yourself how the connection to Africa is strongly linked to their sense of self and identity. The film attempts to capture the true spirit, challenges and joys of these repatriates as they live their authentic lives reconnecting to the Motherland — Africa.
To schedule your film screening, contact
Cindy Ball at or at 317.979.0231
Wes Barnard at 317.370.8719 or
Our website at